Our conservation projects are designed to be varied and innovative. We work with many different social groups from indigenous cultures to cattle ranchers, women, families, children and local artisans.
We work in the rainforest. We encourage sustainable lifestyles in communities and we work directly to protect wildlife in need.
Our main conservation programs for 2015-2017 are:
“Herramientas para la Conservación de la Selva Cárstica de Veracruz” (Tools For The Preservation Of The Karst Rainforest Of Veracruz.” Supported by a government grant of the state of Veracruz “Fondo Ambiental Veracruzano.”
“Tecnología de innovación aplicada a la apicultura en zona indígena en la selva cárstica de Veracruz” (Innovative technology applied to beekeeping in an indigenous community in the Karst rainforest of Veracruz). Supported by an international government grant of the Australian Embassy “Direct Aid Program.”
Though our projects vary, the following activities are permanent and ongoing due to the benefits observed over time to the communities and the native species: